All Natural
I’ve had a stomach bug. Nausea and all sorts of fun stuff has been happening in my body. I slept for several days and am still dealing with dehydration and headaches, dizziness, and an overall feeling of weakness. My ability to bounce back is greatly reduced. Thank...

Cheese Tax
Snack Tax Rules – Taxes are only extracted from loved ones for whom the snack is being provided. The provider of the snack is allowed one bite of “taxes” for the snack given. This does not apply to snacks retrieved by oneself for oneself. When Alice complains about...

No Gin and Juice
Please tell me I’m not the only one …

The Toddler Zone
Alice bit the end off of a marker today. I was really confused at first. She handed me a marker with the stub of an end and I couldn’t figure out what had happened. It was one of those special color magic type things where it only works on the special paper. It wasn’t...

Personal Assistant

Celebrate Rejection
Rejections hurt. Every time someone says, “Sorry, we’ve decided to pass” it is really easy to let those mental gremlins take overs Is my work bad? Am I not good enough? What if I’m never accepted? Maybe I should just give up. I celebrate rejection. I celebrate each...