Dancing Queen

Alice loves ABBA. This discovery was made by accident when Wayne put on Netflix and scrolled down to Mamma Mia! She didn’t stop dancing.
Normally I enjoy adding comedy to my posts. I like to crack groanworthy jokes in the hopes that it makes at least one person smile that day. But right now I’m feeling that Mum heartfelt “oh, my perfect little girl” feeling.
Alice dances everywhere. If there’s a beat, she finds it moving. Each day she takes my hands, tells me that I’m “stuck,” and pulls to get me to stand up. And on those days when I don’t feel my aching, tired body and mind betraying me, I get up. We dance. And I get lost in my love for my daughter.
Like many adults, I can find it difficult to live in the moment. I’m either stuck agonizing over the past and what I could have done differently, or worried about an uncertain future. Ever since Alice was born, I’ve found it easier to be present. I’m finding the joy in daily moments. I’m learning to cherish all that I have rather than what might have been or could be. She’s helped me slow down and view the world in a long-forgotten way.
Alice reminds me to dance.
To read the latest Geekasaurus, visit GeekMom.Com every Wednesday.
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In case you missed the great news - Geekasaurus is now a featured column on GeekMom! I’ll be posting the most recent comics on GeekMom and then they will magically appear here a week later. Well, “magically” meaning that I put them here while the Dinosaur takes a nap...
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Big Shout Out to my Supporters on Patreon
I can’t do it without amazing Geekasaurs like you. You’re better than awesome!
Wayne Moulton Jr, Lindsey Castellon, Emily Reddy, Lauren Haffner, Daniela Freeman, Celosia Crane, Kasey Darnell, Kristi Fox, and Nancy Vawter.