Cheese Tax

Snack Tax Rules – Taxes are only extracted from loved ones for whom the snack is being provided. The provider of the snack is allowed one bite of “taxes” for the snack given. This does not apply to snacks retrieved by oneself for oneself.
When Alice complains about this in the future, I’ll be loading up the video chat so that she can complain about it to her pépé; the inventor of these taxes.
Universal Baby Translator
Anyone else need one of these? Alice has a lot of words – cookie, cracker, juice, not yet, no way, up, high five; but she’s also at that age where she strings together “sentences” of nonsense. She knows what she means. We, however, do not. And it’s adorable, until she...
Get it? CLING-on ... Klingon ... 😂🤣😂 Ahhh ... I crack myself up. To read the latest Geekasaurus, visit GeekMom.Com every Wednesday. You can check out more Geekasaurus by following me on Instagram. Send me Mom Fuel via Ko-Fi Support Geekasaurus every month with a...
Dancing Queen
Alice loves ABBA. This discovery was made by accident when Wayne put on Netflix and scrolled down to Mamma Mia! She didn’t stop dancing. Normally I enjoy adding comedy to my posts. I like to crack groanworthy jokes in the hopes that it makes at least one person smile...
Best Intentions
I make resolutions. I just don’t share them. That way, when I ultimately fail, no one knows ... To read the latest Geekasaurus, visit GeekMom.Com every Wednesday. You can check out more Geekasaurus by following me on Instagram. Send me Mom Fuel via Ko-Fi Support...
A Little Something
🎵Have a holly, jolly Yulemas! It’s the best time of the year!🎵 Things were quiet at home this year. We were all nursing colds (especially me). Alice had a mountain of gifts to open. She pretty much pooped out halfway through, but she really loves everything that she...
T’was The Toddler Tree of Yulemas
Toddlers + Yulemas trees = temptation. We ended up with having a basically naked tree. Yeah, part of it was being exhausted parents not finding the time to pull out decorations and sort out the toddler safe ornaments. Who am I kidding? That’s totally why our tree was...
Big Shout Out to my Supporters on Patreon
I can’t do it without amazing Geekasaurs like you. You’re better than awesome!
Wayne Moulton Jr, Lindsey Castellon, Emily Reddy, Lauren Haffner, Daniela Freeman, Celosia Crane, Kasey Darnell, Kristi Fox, and Nancy Vawter.