Unfinished Projects

have a lot of creative interests. I always have. I’ve never really sat down and focused on one thing at a time and I think it’s catching up to me. Between volunteering, working part time, taking care of my family, and taking care of myself, I’m feeling pretty scattered.
Maybe I’m doing too much? It might be time to start making some tough choices.
I already create a weekly comic. Once upon a time I had considered making it a daily strip. But I don’t really have enough hours in the day. After all, I’m still trying to finish my novel. I have several others waiting to be written. Short story deadlines come up all the time and if I really focused, I could probably submit more.
Then again, I pay my dues to The Society of American Magicians and I spend a decent amount on magic every month. Wouldn’t it make sense to try to make some of that money back by DOING something with my knowledge?
Illustration has been pretty calming lately. I do enjoy more traditional art forms. And book cover design is kind of exciting. Website work is stable but I feel like so many people are learning to build their own sites now. Balloon twisting is a bit more stable than illustrations and more exciting than web design …
There is no wrong answer here. Whatever I choose as my full-time business is going to be something that I love.
Question is, which fit is the best fit for me? For my family? For my time and energy? What is going to best help me pay the bills? What direction is going to make me the happiest? I don’t know. But I’ll be spending all of 2019 figuring it out.
Independence Day
I haven’t seen the movie Independence Day in years. I thought that it must be on Netflix or Amazon Prime, or even Hulu given that it’s the 4th of July. Who doesn’t want to watch Will Smith defeat the aliens and save the Earth on Independence Day? Am I the only one? If...
Munch and Run
No food is safe in this house, but the magic word over here is “cracker.” Crackers get us through the store, that cranky period before dinner, and are my go-to source for bribery. All hail the mighty cracker.
Every Child is My Child
Every child is my child. Every. Child. I was at work and someone shared a funny video where a parent gave a toddler some wasabi. The little girl could only meekly peep out “Help me” before the parent in the video began laughing. Other people found it hilarious and...
You Are More
My little Dinosaur is beautiful. She’s an amazingly precious looking child and that brings her a lot of attention. It seems like everyone loves a cute baby. So I hope you don’t misunderstand when I say that I don’t tell her very often that she is adorable. She hears...
Vomit always appears without warning. One minute everything is fine, and then with an abraca-bleh, we all magically appear in the bathtub. Once we’re clean, life goes back to normal with playing and running around as if nothing had happened. Kids are awesome that way....
Sometimes when we have a million things to work on, my husband and I put unrealistic expectations on how our plans will unfold. For example, this weekend we were somehow going to clean the house, build a Ghostbusters roof rack for the minivan, sort through over 1000...
Big Shout Out to my Supporters on Patreon
I can’t do it without amazing Geekasaurs like you. You’re better than awesome!
Wayne Moulton Jr, Lindsey Castellon, Emily Reddy, Lauren Haffner, Daniela Freeman, Celosia Crane, Kasey Darnell, Kristi Fox, and Nancy Vawter.