Capture These Moments

Seriously! This happens every time. I am sure other parents and those who have small children in their lives can relate. As soon as that camera comes out, the cute/smart/cool/geeky thing stops happening. It’s like a crazy baby law; thou shalt always stop doing the adorable thing in the presence of a camera.
So, what’s new over here? I spent a ridiculous number of hours mixing ink colors in large quantities so that I don’t have to spend a ridiculous number of hours mixing ink colors for the foreseeable future. I played around a bit with some shadowing. I didn’t have to rush through inking (although I DID have to rush a bit through coloring this week.) And I managed to pull something in my shoulder while I was sleeping … because apparently, that’s a thing I do now.
I’ll have a fresh new comic for you next Wednesday! If you are enjoying what I do, please consider supporting me on Patreon by clicking here!
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Big Shout Out to my Supporters on Patreon
I can’t do it without amazing Geekasaurs like you. You’re better than awesome!
Wayne Moulton Jr, Lindsey Castellon, Emily Reddy, Lauren Haffner, Daniela Freeman, Celosia Crane, Kasey Darnell, Kristi Fox, and Nancy Vawter.