Universal Baby Translator

Anyone else need one of these? Alice has a lot of words – cookie, cracker, juice, not yet, no way, up, high five; but she’s also at that age where she strings together “sentences” of nonsense. She knows what she means. We, however, do not. And it’s adorable, until she gets super upset and is desperately trying to communicate. Snot flys, tears are everywhere, and (at times) I become pretty exasperated.
Working from home is hard. I’m doing a lot at once. I’m a cartoonist, housekeeper, writer, chauffeur, illustrator, personal chef, balloon twister, nanny, magician, nurse, web designer … seriously, I might be better off just picking one thing and sticking to it. Parenting and simultaneously trying to build a business (well, businesses) is exhausting. It doesn’t surprise me that I can get frustrated now and again. I have a lot of patience, it’s just not unlimited.
If I could just figure out what the heck “botty” means, maybe things would go a tiny bit smoother.
Bad Parenting Tips: Episode 1
Parents get a lot of advice. Some of it is super great and very helpful. Other stuff (like sleep when the baby sleeps ... seriously?) is useful the first time you hear it and then gets repeated SOOOOO freaking often that you just want to strangle the next person who...
A Whole New World
This is Alice. Alice sees fantastic worlds over the edges of beds. Alice marvels at things she’s never seen before and celebrates that rather than allowing herself to become complacent with the day-to-day humdrum toils in life. Be like Alice.
I’ve Made It This Far
Maybe I’m crazy. Maybe taking a huge leap into a creative career was irresponsible. Illogical. Completely nuts. Maybe my longing for happiness shouldn’t have steamrolled my sense of duty to a stable job and steady paycheck. Maybe my dreams should have stayed in a...
Alice in Handbagland
She can't resist the treasures hidden within my purse. Mom's carry the best stuff.
The Walking Sick
We all got sick at once. First, it was the flu right before Alice's first birthday party. We had to reschedule. Ever try giving Tamiflu to a squirming, screaming toddler? I don't recommend it. They spit. And bite. After the flu we got a stomach bug, only we didn't...
Pencil: A History
I was at the FIRST Robotics Competition to support FRC#5902 - The Wire Clippers and I had my iPad with me. I was planning on getting a comic drawn in between matches. That's the beauty of drawing digitally - I can work pretty much anywhere now. With deadlines looming,...
Big Shout Out to my Supporters on Patreon
I can’t do it without amazing Geekasaurs like you. You’re better than awesome!
Wayne Moulton Jr, Lindsey Castellon, Emily Reddy, Lauren Haffner, Daniela Freeman, Celosia Crane, Kasey Darnell, Kristi Fox, and Nancy Vawter.