Sometimes when we have a million things to work on, my husband and I put unrealistic expectations on how our plans will unfold. For example, this weekend we were somehow going to clean the house, build a Ghostbusters roof rack for the minivan, sort through over 1000 board and card games in our basement, and visit family. On top of all of that, I was going to write 10,000 words for my novel and somehow squeeze in an art commission, brunch with friends, a workout, and a shower.
We did not do all the things.
What my husband and I had instead were moments of frustration with one another when we realized that we had not done a great job of communicating our individual expectations. He had his plan all set, I had mine all set, and when they didn’t match – BOOM! Instant mini argument. It’s something that we are working on. I have faith that we’ll eventually find our groove.
We did sort through a lot of the games. We pulled out around 50 games and brought them down to our local game shop for a board game sale. Brunch was not sacrificed. I drank several Moscow Mules and had a hangover a couple of hours later (because I’m apparently old now) and we did a lot of shopping around to figure out the best WAY to build the Ghostbusters roof rack, although we didn’t actually do any building. I watched my daughter make silly faces. We snuggled and watched that Troll movie when she couldn’t sleep for some reason.
It was a good weekend. Even with the arguments and frustration. The good outweighed the uncomfortable, and I call that a win. Now, I’ve just got to dig myself out of a mountain of failed expectations. This may take a while …